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Zde naleznete veškeré publikovaná čísla až do roku 2006
Veškeré blogové příspěvky: 39
Regular issue


Mediální studia / Media studies was financially supported by Ministry of Culture Czech Republic and Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University.

Kateřina Turková
Regular issue


Mediální studia / Media studies was financially supported by Ministry of Culture Czech Republic and Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University.

Kateřina Turková
Special Issue

2/2023 Special Issue

Emerging topics of media and communication scholarship in Europe: Alumni of the ECREA doctoral school of 2022

Kateřina Turková
Regular issue


Media Studies was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Kateřina Turková
Special Issue

3/2022 Special Issue 2

Media Studies 2/2022 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Kateřina Turková
Special Issue

2/2022 Special Issue

Special Issue: Emerging topics of media and communication scholarship in Europe: Alumni of the ECREA doctoral school of 2021

Kateřina Turková
Regular issue


Media Studies was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Kateřina Turková
Special Issue

2/2021 Special Issue

Special Issue: Emerging topic of media and communication scholarship in Europe: Alumni of the ECREA Doctoral School of 2020

Kateřina Turková
Regular issue


Mediální studia  byla podpořena dotací Odboru médií a audiovize Ministerstva kultury ČR.

Kateřina Turková
Regular issue


Mediální studia  byla podpořena dotací Odboru médií a audiovize Ministerstva kultury ČR.

Kateřina Turková