2/2022 Special Issue

Special Issue: Emerging topics of media and communication scholarship in Europe: Alumni of the ECREA doctoral school of 2021
Media Studies 2/2022 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
FULL ISSUE is available PDF
Introduction to Special Issue
David Selva Ruiz, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt & Miguel de Aguilera Moyano PDF
Dorien Luyckx & Amber Verstraeten
Flemish journalism students‘ perception of and preparedness for entrepreneurial job profiles in their future careers PDF
Mikhail Kremez
Dividing and Uniting News Frames: Framing Russia-related Border Issues in the Estonian, Latvian, Finnish, US Public Service Media and Chinese State Media PDF
She Anglada-Pujol
“Our fans are gonna go crazy when they know we are together”: Fandom identities and self-representation in YouTubers slash fiction PDF
Daniela Jaramillo-Dent
Algorithmic (in)visibility tactics among immigrant TikTokers PDF
Helena Dedecek Gertz & Florian Süsser
Migration and educational projects online: A topic modeling approach of discussions on social media groups PDF
Nils Wandels, Jelle Mast & Hilde Van den Bulck
Bureaucracy and authoritative control in contemporary legacy news media companies: A Weberian analysis of a Flemish case study PDF