2/2013 Special Issue

Irena Reifová, Tereza Pavlíčková: Invisible Audiences: Structure and Agency in Post-socialist Media Studies PDF
Zrinjka Peruško, Dina Vozab, Antonija Čuvalo: Audiences as a Source of Agency in Media Systems: Post-socialist Europe in Comparative Perspective PDF
Alina Dobreva: Evaluation of Political Regimes, Personal Predispositions, and Political Information Processing (Case of Bulgaria) PDF
Jānis Juzefovičs: Television News Preferences and a Sense of Belonging among the Russian-speaking Minority in Post-Communist Latvia: the Case of Panorāma and Vremya PDF
Lucia Vesnić-Alujević, Nataša Simeunović Bajić: Media Consumption Patterns: Watching TV in Former Yugoslav States PDF
Laura Visan: Reading Cutezătorii and Watching Jackie Chan: Romanian Children and the Communist Propaganda in 1970s and the 1980s PDF
Zuzana Skřepská: Screens in Waiting Rooms of Gynaecology Clinics: Exploitation of a Trusted Place PDF