
Media Studies 1/2023 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
FULL ISSUE is available PDF
Virgo Siil & Ragne Kõuts-Klemm
Survival of the Slowest. A Case Study of Two Slow Journalism Outlets in Estonia PDF
Doobo Shim & Éva Gajzágó
The Rise of Korean Culture in Europe Based on a Survey of K-Culture Fans in Hungary PDF
Tess Slavíčková
‘Does Anyone Know I Own a House in Charlottesville?’: Donald Trump’s Epideictic Rhetoric PDF
Andrej Školkay & Adina Marincea
The Alternative Media-Information Sources “Liked” by the Populist Political Leaders in the Visegrad Group and Italy on Facebook: A Comparative Perspective PDF
Matěj Skalický
Why do we all love podcasts PDF
Nina Ortová
Health and illness in digital participatory cultures PDF