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Mediální studia obrázek

Mediální studia / Media Studies 2/2017 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.


Lenka Waschková Císařová: Should we Consider Local Newspaper Chains Local Media? Development of the Local Press Chain in the Czech Republic PDF

Signe Ivask, Virgo Siil, Brit LaaklFactors Promoting or Preventing and Relieving the Burnout of Newspaper Sports Journalists during a Prolonged Strenuous Period: Case Study of Estonian Sports Journalists during the Rio 2016 Summer Games PDF

Hana Hurtíková: Media Framing: a Theoretical and Methodological Definition in the Process of Political Communication PDF

Iveta Jansová: Fanspeak as an Example of Fan Activities with Power Potential PDF


Veronika Macková: Disability is Still a Minority Topic. An Interview with Daniel Jackson PDF


Petra Jansa: Culture, Society and Festivals: Cultural Studies’ Perspective of Festival Research PDF

Andrea Průchová: See you. Conference on Visual Culture Research PDF


Martin Švantner: Lessons Learned from Histories of Fascist Tyrannies PDF

Kateřina Kirkosová: Czech Literature and New Media: Rather Unfinished Attempt for Buiding Interdisciplinary Bridge PDF

Daniela Vajbarová: An Incomplete mosaic of Women in the European Union’s Media PDF

Michał Tkaczyk: Media and Crisis of Demokracy: A Rigorous Diagnosis PDF

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