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Mediální studia obrázek

Media Studies 2/2014 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.


Martin Charvát: Cinema screen as a medium of rupture in thought PDF

Karel Piorecký: Amateur Literary Forums on the Czech Internet Between democratization and diletantism PDF

Jakub Machek: From Brousek till Kurýr – the development of Czech mass newspapers from popular press to the illustrated dailies and its Central European preconditions PDF


Roman Hájek, Sandra Štefaniková: Citizen jornalism is as old as journalism itself: An interview with Stuart Allan PDF


Michał Tkaczyk: On the Possibilities of Materialistic Approaches to Media Exploration and Communication. PDF
(Jeremy Packer – Stephen Wiley (eds.). 2012. Communication Matters: Materialist Approaches to Media, Mobility and Networks. Routledge.)


Marína Urbániková: Journalists Thirty-Three Times Otherwise, or the Problem of Comparing Incomparable PDF

Jana Kubíčková: Improvisation in Scientific Practice  PDF

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