
Mediální studia / Media Studies 1/2016 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
Tomáš Karger: Internet Piracy: The Structure of Positions in the Czech Republic PDF
Katka Kirkosová: Texts and Forms: Hardcovers, Paperbacks and E-books in the Use of Czech Book Publishers PDF
Iveta Jansová: The Fluidity of the Term of Popular Culture in the Context of British Cultural Studies and outside of them PDF
Ladislav Klimeš: Documentary realism of digital image: Peirceian indexicality and current issues of veracity photography and video PDF
Zdeněk Sloboda: Media Socialization in the Family: A Few Notes on Its Conceptualization PDF
Kamil Fleissner, Karel B. Müller: Council Newspapers as Mouthpieces of Politicians? Council Newspapers as an Indicator of Democratization at a Municipal Level PDF
David Chudoba: rom the Fictions of Facticity to the Facticity of Fictions PDF
Stefan Segi: Inconsistent Prosecution of Correctness
Jana Kubíčková: New Technology, New Medium and New Europe