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Mediální studia obrázek


Lenka Vochocová: Women in Newsrooms: Idle Hopes for the Conquest of the Masculine Fortress PDF

Dino Numerato: Media Activity and Reflexivity of Sports Actors PDF


Lenka Harantová, Régis Debray: The law of three states / La loi des trois états
lenka Harantová: Régis Debray and Mediology


Michal Šimůnek: A weak-sighted book on visual sociology

Tomáš Trampota: The Backspace of Media Production

Eduard Chmelár: A key contribution (not only) to media history

Petr Bednařík: Pan Tau, Arabela and Adam Bernau between the East and the West

Dino Numerato: Academic pioneer in unresearched world

Juraj Rusnák: How to Teach Media or, the beginning of new in Mediology

Martin Groman: How it actually was?

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