
Mediální studia / Media Studies 3/2020 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
Martin J. Kozon
“Absurdity” as Historical Reality? Stanisław Bareja’s Alternatywy 4 as a Popular Form of Intellectual Critique of the Socialist System in the Polish People’s Republic (PRL) PDF
Ewa Nowak-Teter
Priming Europe. Two perspectives on the European issues in Poland PDF
Robert Kulmiński
The Timid Giant: The Early Days of Czechoslovak Television PDF
Monika Abrhámová
Silenced Discourse: Media Representation of Namibian Children between 1985–1992 in Czechoslovak Press PDF
Lucie Jílková
Emoticons in internet forums: position, combination and meaning PDF
Marianna Abrahamyan
The Phenomenon of Ritual in the Field of Mass Communication PDF