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Mediální studia obrázek

Mediální studia / Media Studies 2/2016 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.


Patrick Fitzgerald: Legitimising Dissent: Media Framing of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution within British and American Print Media PDF

Maria Jufereva: Ethical orientations of Russian-speaking journalists in Estonia PDF

Monika Bartošová: Moral panic designed by the state: the trial of anti-state conspiracy center around Rudolf Slánský in contemporary public media discourse PDF

Terézia Rončáková: Longform Text as a New Journalistic Genre PDF

Peter Hanák: Criminalization of Journalism: Criminally Prosecuted Slovak Journalists in European Perspective PDF


Martina Topinková: On Visual Propaganda in the Digital Age. An interview with Matteo Stocchetti PDF


Marcel Lincényi, Ivana Bulanda: Research on the Perception of political Billboards in Bratislava self-governing region’s electoral Campaign in Slovakia PDF

Ondřej Krajtl: Comics: Methodological Debates PDF

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