2/2023 Special Issue

Special Issue: Emerging topics of media and communication scholarship in Europe: Alumni of the ECREA doctoral school of 2022
Media Studies 2/2023 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
Guest Editors:
DAVID SELVA RUIZ (University of Cadiz)
ANDRA SIIBAK (University of Tartu)
Special Issue PDF
David Selva Ruiz, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Andra Siibak
Introduction to Special Issue PDF
Maria Castellví-Lloveras
“Just kidding… or not?”: Ambiguity, failure, and humour in the representation of influencers’ successful femininity on TikTok PDF
Kiran Kappeler, Noemi Festic & Michael Latzer
‘A Mix of Paranoia and Rebelliousness‘: Manifestations, motives, and consequences of resistance to digital media PDF
María Martínez-Sánchez
Valentine’s Day and Post-feminism in Vogue Spain’s Coverage PDF
Velta Skolmeistere
Authenticity and multiplicity: Understandings of authenticity in the era of social media PDF
Elisabeth Solverson
Assessing worthwhileness of political contributions on social media: A study of young adults in Norway PDF