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Mediální studia obrázek

Mediální studia / Media Studies 1/2019 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Download the full issue PDF

Arko Olesk
Media Coverage of a Strongly Mediatized Research Project: 
the Case of the Estonian Satellite ESTCube-1 PDF

Srđan Mladenov Jovanović
“Balm for the Soul”: Serbian Political Satire as a Critical Hub for Citizens PDF

Eliška Olšáková
Media Representation of the Return of Wild Horses and Wolves on  PDF


Zina Šťovíčková
The Concept of Media Bias: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches PDF

Martin Charvát
Walter Benjamin on Journalism PDF

Darren Ingram: Applied Media Studies PDF
Ostherr, K. (Ed.)(2018). Applied Media Studies. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-20248-1 (hdb), 291 pages

Iveta Jansová: Watching Dallas: Tragic Structure of Feeling and its Pleasures for Audiences PDF

Martin Charvát: About Possible Connections between Media Studies and Literary Studies PDF

Miloš Hroch: Building the scenes: the First Conference on Fanzines in the Czech RepublicPDF

Tereza Zavadilová: Comeback of facts and convictions into journalism? The report from St Francis de Sales Days conference PDF

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